Dec 1, 2008

Green Tea Health Benefits : Green Tea Can Loosen Weight

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea
is a product of brewing from the leaves of a plant named Camellia Sinensis. This kind of tea is said to have multiple health benefits that is very beneficial to the human body. One of the many benefits of green tea is that it can enable to enhance metabolism inside the body, thus, burning fat faster than usual. With daily intake, there is a hundred percent possibility of losing weight in no time. So you can eat all you want without feeling guilty on gaining additional fats because with just one cup of green tea, it washes away your concerns.

The beauty about green tea is that is not fermented contrary to other teas. Which is a good thing because it doesn’t take away the most important elements that is essential for keeping the body healthy. That would include the fat burning compounds.

Today, green tea is becoming more popular in coffee shops or in grocery stores because of its major benefits that consumers are discovering. Even coffee shops are including a wide variety of natural green tea flavors in their menu for greater choice. Why all the changes and consideration in favor of green tea? Because you’re pouring the way for a healthier longer life.

Green tea is one of the active ingredients that is used in numerous weight loss products. According to researches, thermogenesis, fat oxidation and increased energy expenditure are just some of the outcome of what green tea can do to your body as an effective product for weightloss.

Green tea possesses anti-oxidation effects which are extremely effective. This antioxidant is called as epigallacatechin gallate which is a chemical compound that is also know as EGCG. EGCG is from polyphenol that has the capacity to burn fat effectively. According to a research from Switzerland, drinking at least 3 cups of green tea on a regular basis can cause 80 percent of calories burned without even increasing the rate of heart activity and ruling out the caffeine content.

What is antioxidants? An antioxidant is a kind of “good” chemical that can be found in plants. Antioxidants are kinds of substances that can protect a person’s body from free radicals. Free radicals are fragments of special molecules that harm the body in its cellular level. Hurting the body through the cellular level will have great negative effects by making the body more vulnerable to diseases that are degenerative like heart diseases and cancer. Antioxidants work by deactivating free radicals thus, minimizing the amount of damage that it can do to the body.

For centuries now, green tea has become the pride of China because of the numerous benefits it can contribute. No wonder the Chinese take pride in their tea. It is now considered as one of the most popular medicinal beverage that the world has recognized.

Green tea can refresh, enlighten, soothe, promote inner happiness, calmness, stimulate and more importantly, promote a healthy lifestyle.
health benefits of green tea

Nov 5, 2008

Green Tea and Caffeine

Health Benefits of Green Tea

It is very important to give proper attention to one's health especially in today's times. There are persons who encounter problems with caffeine and as you know, green tea does contain caffeine. You can see numerous advertisements on television about the positive effects of drinking the said tea but for those persons who can't take caffeine, they should be extra careful.

It appears that despite the beneficial things about green tea, the modern community was able to prove that it also has a negative effect. Well, before you decide whether you will continue drinking green tea or not, read on and discover some amazing facts about the consumption of .

Some of the harmful effects of caffeine intake in people are heart palpitations, jitters, insomnia, and several other unwanted effects. Because of this realization, manufacturers of green tea are now producing decaffeinated extracts to cater to the needs of those who can't take caffeine.

In fact, there are now supplements which are also decaffeinated. You should get this type of green tea and supplements especially if you are not allowed to take beverages with caffeine. Although the caffeine content in is much less than coffee, an individual who is extra sensitive to caffeine will feel the same unwanted effects by drinking the tea.

For every eight ounces of tea, the caffeine content is about forty milligrams. Are you already computing your tea intake and the caffeine that you are getting? The caffeine contents are relatively smaller in green tea and if you can get away with it without any bad effects, you will also benefit in other health areas.

Even if green tea contains caffeine, it also contains antioxidants like polyphenols which can benefit the body. The antioxidants can help in preventing certain types of cancer, lowers the bad cholesterol in the body, and it can enhance the immune system. The health benefits are truly amazing and this may the very reason why even the ancient Chinese continued to serve green tea at home and to their guests.

The modern world enjoys advanced medical technology and so it is no more a surprise if scientists and researchers discover the good things about green tea. More and more advanced clinical studies and lab tests are conducted to prove the tea's healing properties. If you believe that the positive effects of green tea outweighs the negative, then there's no reason for you to stop taking it.

In truth and in fact, caffeine occurs in cocoa beans, tea, and coffee. Cola drinks also contain caffeine because manufacturers use it to enhance the drink's flavor. Green tea and black tea definitely has caffeine because the plant (Camellia sinensis) itself contain caffeine.

If you're afraid of the effects of caffeine, you can just purchase the decaffeinated green tea. Even if the tea no longer contains caffeine, it would still taste the same; you will still get the great 'kick' in taste when you drink it. Most of the tea's caffeine are removed in the decaf process. However, some studies show that because of the decaf process, the healing properties are ruined.

If you do have extreme problems with caffeine, then most probably you'll go for the decaf green tea. For people who don't have any problems connected to caffeine, it is recommended to drink the original green tea so that you can benefit from its healing properties.

All in all, the benefits of drinking the original tea preparation outweigh the negative effects. It's up to you whether you drink the decaf green tea or the original one. There's black, green, and red tea. Green tea is obviously in the middle in terms of caffeine content. So what's it's gonna be? Decaf, original, or no tea at all?
health benefits of green tea

Oct 20, 2008

Green Tea Diet Facts

More and more are exhibiting likeness of green tea. Some are already incorporating it into their diet. How do people see green tea? It’s a miracle drug that can enhance youthfulness, beauty, and a strong and healthy body. It is also considered as the protector of the human body from numerous diseases. For the fitness world, it serves as an agent in losing weight. These are just some of the benefits of having green tea diet.

Working out a natural diet

By incorporating at least 3 cups of in your meal daily, you are enhancing a more balanced diet. Together with exercise, green tea has turned out to be more effective than ever. There is no such thing as how many servings every meal can green tea be incorporated. No exact doses. Just one cup every breakfast, lunch, dinner and even during midnight snacks is sufficient enough to be part of your daily diet.

Green tea preserves all its important compounds like antioxidants because it is brewed and not fermented, It is advisable to drink green tea while it’s still hot because live antioxidants are very prominent and its valuable nutritional affects are also preserved. It’s better to purchase and brew loose green tea leaves than the bottled or powdered ones because they are not as effective as brewing.

Black tea versus green tea

Black tea is not similar to at all. While green tea is typically brewed, black tea is fermented. The fermentation process of black tea tends to eliminate the important vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to health. Therefore, it is concluded that green tea is proven to be more effective than black tea.

Green tea diet benefits
  • Reduce the risk for hypertension and high blood pressure
  • Destroy free radicals
  • Maintain healthy fluid and electrolyte balance that can help relieve fatigue and stress
  • Lower increased amount of cholesterol level
  • Toxin prevention in the liver
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties
  • Reduce incidences of cancer in parts of the body like colon, pancreas, esophagus, rectum, bladder and stomach by up to sixty percent
  • Increased metabolism
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Stops thrombosis formation which is the cause for heart attacks

Caffeine content

Thoughts about the caffeine content in green tea have bothered and quite alarmed avid drinkers of the beverage. Although, there are ways to lessen the caffeine content in your green tea by adjusting yourself in the effects and observing the tolerance of your body.

Warning on green tea caffeine
  • If you have a medical condition or you’re pregnant, be sure to consult your physician first before consuming the beverage.
  • Drink moderately. Caffeine is not the only thing that can do negative effects when increased. Higher concentration of polyphenols can damage the kidney and liver. Don’t drink 8-10 cups of green tea a day. That can be very harmful especially if you have a low tolerance level. The more acceptable intake is at least 3-4 cups a day.
  • Don’t be fooled by energy drinks made from green tea. Aside from diminished or very less antioxidants, energy drinks have high sugar content. Drinks like these have already undergone a lot of processes that may lose important nutrients upon reaching your body.
health benefit of green tea

Oct 1, 2008

Why Drink Green Tea?

Health benefit of green tea

In Asia, green tea is quite popular. For many generations, the tea has already been a part of family gatherings and even their day to day lives. There are various reasons why Asian people loved to drink green tea. Aside from its excellent taste, you can also derive some health benefits from drinking green tea. Recently, medical communities and the western countries have recognized the benefits of drinking green tea. There are various reasons why individuals should drink tea and these reasons are found in this article.

The very first reason is that green tea is something different. You're probably used to drinking softdrinks, coffee, fruit juices and other beverages. Green tea is something new that you should try out. It's not everyday that you get to encounter something unique in terms of taste and most specially, very few beverages have health benefits.

Most Americans drink coffee several times a day and since it contains a larger amount of caffeine, some people are already looking into substituting instead. You will surely enjoy the tea's nutty aroma and its sweet grassy flavor. Although some studies show that green tea also has caffeine, there are now decaffeinated green tea sold in the market.

Still, if you want to go for the traditional green tea, it would help to know that the caffeine content is lesser as compared to coffee. Some people get jitters and you can avoid this by taking green tea in moderate amounts. Those who plan to stay late or those who work at night should drink green tea instead of coffee to help them stay awake.

The second reason why people should drink tea is that it contains healing properties. Because of today's advanced science, many medical experts are discovering green tea's healing properties. Green tea is mainly made up of antioxidants which can help in improving the overall health of an individual. If you lack energy to carry out the day's tasks and chores, don't forget to drink your tea because you will feel a burst of energy especially if you drink it everyday.

Healthy cells are also promoted by drinking tea. There are still other health benefits that you can take advantage. You see, if you drink , you can prevent heart diseases, cancer and other health problems. Those who often get sick should take tea in order to boost the immune system's health. People with weight problems can also take green tea instead of water and juices to reduce weight since the tea can suppress appetite. You can take it anytime you like, before meals, during and after meals.

Are there still other reasons that you can think of? So far, there is no other beverage that can give you a lot of health benefits. If you go to the groceries, you can find different kinds of green tea preparations. It would be best if you can grow a tea plant so that you can prepare the original serving. But anyway, since people today live a busy lifestyle, they always prefer the instant - from food to their drinks. There are now bottled green tea which you can purchase and they are ready to drink. Hurry and go to the local grocery now to purchase your green tea.

If you want, you can also take supplements of green tea but before you buy any, ask your doctor first. It would also be good if you check product reviews regarding the supplements. That way, you will know which brands sell more and which are effective. Seek the doctor's advice before taking any health supplement so that your actions can be guided, most especially if you're a pregnant woman or if you have certain allergies and illnesses.

If the Asian people benefited from green tea for hundreds of years, then there's probably no reason why you shouldn't try it yourself. Medical communities are already promoting the intake of green tea, so don't be left behind. Join other people who are now discovering the health benefits of drinking green tea.

Sep 21, 2008

Greatness on a Cup of Green Tea

For starters, all tea came from the same botanical source and that is camellia sinesis, but the difference is on the processing of the tea leaves, giving each and every type of tea its distinctive aroma, taste and even color, and also its properties. Green tea is steamed and dried thus maintaining its color, chemical properties and natural taste while other types of tea are fermented. Studies proved that green tea had a lighter flavor and aroma compared to that of black tea, which makes all the beneficial chemicals intact, putting greatness to your enjoyable cup of green tea.

How to make a cup of green tea

• Brewing is similar with other tea. Whether it is bagged or loose green tea. It is important to remember not to use boiling water. Brewing with water that’s just about to reach its boiling point is the right temperature; this is for the reason that green tea is more delicate than other tea.

• The best tasting green tea is brewed under one minute and let it steep for a short period of time, it is recommended not to prepare it with boiling water and longer time of steeping because it will make the tea bitter to the taste.

• However increased level of polyphenols in green tea is directly proportional with water temperature and time of steeping. It means that the longer time it was brewed under boiling water and the longer it is steeped means a greater concentration of polyphenols on every cup of making it more potent than that of shorter time to brew and steeped. Polyphenols are the anti oxidants found in green tea which contributes to the green teas’ medicinal properties.

Suggestions on how to boost antioxidant concentration of your green tea:

• Temperature- studies proved that with the use of boiling water more of the polyphenols, the anti oxidants on green tea is extracted from the tea leaves. The higher the temperature used for brewing tea leaves the greater is the concentration of polyphenols to be found, thus making a more effective tea against diseases and illness.

• Steeping time- in order to attain more of the goodness in a cup of tea, longer steeping time is advised. Longer steeping time allows more polyphenol presence. Tea should be steeped 2 to 5 minutes to allow more polyphenol to emerge. Shorter steeping time means less or the polyphenol and greater caffeine content in your tea.

• Size of tea leaves- the smaller the leaf is, the better, even in size, green tea has proven the power of small things to create wonder. Studies have shown that small loose green tea leaves infuses quickly compared to that of tightly curled and large tea leaf which requires more or longer infusion time.

• Loose leaf versus Tea bags- it is more preferable to use leaves compared to tea bags. By simply allowing the green tea leaves to float on the water more of the polyphenol are being extracted while in order for tea bags to produce this anti oxidant, the tea bags must be continuously dunked in the tea pot.

To this day, green tea has already proved to help cure and protect people against a lot of health problems. In order to attain optimum protection against illness proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle plus a cup of your favorite green tea will do the job.

health benefit of green tea

Sep 15, 2008

Green Tea for Improved Fertility (Health benefit of green tea)

Health benefit of green tea

Health is the greatest treasure a man could have. The human body needs proper nutrition and rest in order to function to the fullest. On other people’s point of view, having a healthy body means higher level of productivity and improved level of fertility, it also means increased level of resistance on certain kinds of diseases and illness present in the modern time. With today’s high cost of living, having a healthy body is a must.

Being able to bear a child is important to every couple and along with this having a healthy body to be able to have a healthy process of fertility. This means having a healthier body makes higher chances of conceiving a child and also a great opportunity of preparing the woman’s condition of being a mother in the future.

A person must practice a good health behavior by limiting the consumption of alcohol and related beverages, substances and medications that can cause addiction and have negative effect on health, and cigarette smoking. Having green tea incorporated on meals is a non invasive method of improving ones fertility.

Useful Tips on How to Improve Fertility with Green Tea
  • A healthy body is equivalent to optimized or improved fertility. Have a healthy diet that includes foods from the food pyramid like fresh fruit, vegetable and whole grains, and foods rich in protein. Doing regular exercise leads to normal development and function of the different systems of the human body.
  • Having a cup of warm is a great substitute for your daily dose of coffee or tea during breakfast. Green tea has more anti oxidants because the fact that is not fermented instead brewed a process that helps preserving important compounds on it.
  • Enjoying a hot cup of green tea is better than preparing it cold because live antioxidants are very prominent and its nutritional value is also preserved. Strong anti oxidants present on green tea leaves helps to eliminate free radicals and helps to maintain healthy digestive system as well as preventing the build up and accumulation of these toxins and waste helps gain resistance on certain diseases.
  • For your lunch if you prefer an ice cold beverage, prepare yourself an iced green tea instead of your regular soda drink and tea. Bottled is available in supermarkets and stores at the cold bottle section, it is handy and it can be taken in your car and even at work.
  • Freshly brewed green tea leaves contain much anti-oxidants. It is good to try other ways of enjoying green tea rather than buying boxes of tea bags. There is even difference in flavor when it comes to freshly brewed green tea.
  • Green tea capsules are available at leading health stores and can be a good choice of alternative of drinking green tea, for those women who do not want to drink tea.
Tips and Warnings
  • For those drinking medication and pregnant women, make sure to consult your doctor before drinking green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols that might interact with medications, consult with a physician before consuming the beverage.
  • Green tea contains caffeine, so for those who have sleeping pattern problems, refrain from drinking green tea during late in the afternoon especially during night time. The caffeine in your green tea might be the one of the contributing factors on your sleeping difficulty.
  • The recommended intake of green tea is at least 3-4 cups a day. Higher concentration of polyphenols can damage kidney and the liver. Most important of all do not expect conceiving a baby after drinking a cup of green tea. Green tea improves your chances of conceiving, and you must remember that there are also lots of contributing factors on having healthy fertility.
  • If you are not conceiving a baby after lots of trials, go and see the doctor about the possibilities you may try.
Health benefit of green tea

Sep 1, 2008

The Antioxidising Benefits of Green Tea

Health Benefit Of Green Tea

People have been drinking green tea for centuries now. This is probably one of the oldest beverage preparation in history. Have you ever wondered why people drink green tea until now? Well, studies have proved that drinking green tea has a lot of health benefits. For one, it is well known to have antioxidising benefits. The animal kingdom needs oxygen in order to survive and that includes the humans.

Body processes need oxygen. This element is abundantly found in the air and with proper intake, it burns the glucose and fat present in the body to supply the needed heat and energy. So you see, oxygen is an essential element needed by the body but anything in excess is harmful and too much oxygen can also have negative effects.

The byproducts of oxidation are free radicals. Sometimes, other molecules interact with the free radicals and so these molecules are also turned into free radicals which can disrupt the normal functioning of the said molecules. If this continue to happen, it could lead to tissue damage and finally, cell destruction.

There are even times when the abnormal functioning of molecules can lead to certain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer, heart diseases and Parkinson's disease. Humans are quite fortunate because their bodies are equipped with the right defenses in order to prevent the free radicals harmful effects.

By eating a lot of fruits and vegetables which contain antioxidants, the free radicals are prevented from causing any harm to the human body. Aside from fruits and vegetables, you can also get antioxidants from . As you can see, by drinking green tea and eating the right amount of fruits and veggies, you can prevent diseases and cell damage.

The tea plant or Camellia Sinensis is popular for its antioxidants which fights diseases. The Chinese people have been using the tea plant for centuries and you can usually find in every household. The Chinese believe that the tea is a very healthy beverage which promotes good health and well being. Aside from China, green tea is also widely used in Thailand, India, and Japan.

Traditional Chinese and Indian medicines usually contain green tea because it can serve as a stimulant, an astringent(to heal wounds and control bleeding), as a diuretic (to promote the excretion of urine) and an agent that can improve the heart's health. Green tea is rich in polycatechins which is responsible for the many health benefits. The tea also contains other ingredients which further enhance its antioxidising properties.

Catechins are powerful antioxidants. Aside from it, green tea contains vitamins C, E, and A. It also has properties which makes it anti-carcinogenic, neuro-protective, cardio-protective, and anti-microbial. Green tea is well known to prevent cancer because of the called epigallocatechin gallate.

Now that you know the benefits of drinking green tea, don't you think it's also time that you start taking it? Let healing wonders of green tea improve your overall health. There are now a lot of green tea products sold in the market at very affordable prices. Aside from the green tea drinks, you can also find health supplements which contain extracts of green tea. For optimum health and well being, try to incorporate green tea to your diet.

If you're trying to lose weight or you simply want to maintain your current weight, it would also help a lot if you make it a habit to drink green tea before, during and after meals. But always remember, too much of anything can also be harmful. So just take green tea in the right amount.

Health Benefit Of Green Tea

Aug 20, 2008

Identifying the Different Kinds of Green Tea

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea
is categorized in many forms. Aroma and flavor is based on the cultivation and processing of green tea. Below are the different kinds of green tea to give you further information.

Hoji-cha – using a high temperature, over-sized leaves are roasted. Upon roasting, Hoji-cha has a very distinct small that is recognizable even from afar. Leaves are darkish brown, after brewing, the liquid looks similar to black draft beer. Preparation of Hoji-cha is crucial to keep the aroma even after brewing. A large earthenware pot is used with large numbers of tea leaves inside it.

Konacha – also known as powdered tea, Konacha is considered as the most delicious and delicate . With its reasonable price, anyone can enjoy its marvelous taste and enticing aroma. Agari is another term given to Konacha which is drank with Sushi and is very much popular in Kanto District. For preparation, use cloth or paper tea bags or a tea strainer for making Konacha. To thoroughly enjoy Konacha, boiling water must be poured into the pot very quickly.

Gyokuro – leaves of Gyokuro are picked or cultivated from trees that are under shade. Once shooting leaves begin, you’ll notice an entire field covered with reed shade. Because spread straws cover the field, cultivators had the capacity to control photosynthesis to a level that maximizes vitamins to the desired quality. These are done to add up to the nutrition aspects of the tea. With high amino acid level, Gyokuro has richer taste; lesser tannin makes it taste more refined and a bit milder.

Sencha – deriving its name from the way it is drunk, Sencha is steamed first. Then, it is hand-rubbed and afterwards, dried. Sencha is considered as the most popular green tea that comprises about 80 percent of tea production in all of Japan. The tree, wherein leaves are taken from, are not covered to accumulate an increased level of caffeine, amino acids, vitamins and tannin. Leaves of Sencha are beautifully thin shaped and have a glowing shade of green. Rubbing is the secret in Sencha’s true taste. Upon pouring, Sencha has a distinct yellow color that has an aroma that is refreshing and light with a slight taste of bitterness and sweetness going together in harmony.

Maccha – this came from Gyokuro shaded leaves. Although, the process of hand rubbing isn’t included in the preparation. Leaves are only dried and steamed. Deep green and foamy thick appearance would let you think of how bitter the taste would be but that wouldn’t be the case because Maccha has subtle bitterness and mellow sweetness. Maccha flavor is deepened because of its preparation that is stone-ground resulting to a powdered state that contains all vitamins and nutrition needed by the body.

Yanagi – also know as river willow, Yanagi is a product of fallen rubbing products which came out flat and turned into numerous folds. Because of their appearance that looks like a willow leaves after rubbing, that is where Yanagi derived its name. it has a less lingering and lighter taste compared to Sencha. And also compared to Sencha, Yanagi leaves are naturally longer.

These assorted kinds of are drank preferably that is basically based on the nutritional content that drinkers can benefit from or sometimes, just because of the aroma and taste.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Aug 3, 2008

Caffeine in Green Tea (Health Benefits Of Green Tea)

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

How true is it that one disadvantage of green tea is insomnia because of its caffeine content? You may put it as a “disadvantage” but people who works on a night shift will disagree. True, green tea contains caffeine but compared to coffee and other tea, it has a lesser level but has a very incredible amount of antioxidants.

What is caffeine?

It is a kind of drug that acts as a stimuli that basically stimulates the central nervous system and the heart. A person having caffeine in his system can instantly increase his blood pressure but not having any evidence of definitive long-term effects in the blood pressure itself. Long term increase of blood pressure are still taking excessive amounts of .

Caffeine content in green tea stays unless it is decaffeinated. According to studies, green tea is more likely to be higher than coffee but with preparation, a person can greatly reduce the caffeine that the body takes in. how? Through the infusion length of hot water and how many times you have used the leaves.

Surprisingly, caffeine in is more beneficial than the caffeine taken from coffee. It works through the body in a slighter difference than coffee. Aside from caffeine, green tea has other constituents that work perfectly with caffeine namely vitamins, oils and tannin.

Caffeine difference

As mentioned, compared to coffee, the caffeine content in green tea can have a different approach in the human body. By its own substance, it doesn’t have to trigger increase heart rate and blood pressure unlike what caffeine can instantly do. Typically, green tea is more applicable to drink for those who wanted to lose weight but are sensitive.

Lose weight with caffeine

Base on studies, caffeine has the capacity to increase metabolism inside the body which results to helping out the body in burning excess calories. Caffeine content in green tea is undoubtedly more prominent than other beverages but you can lessen it based on the kind of green tea that you have chosen to drink. Contrary to what other people know, oxidation doesn’t have the capacity to raise the caffeine content in the body. Truth is, some studies were made and is found out that the longer the oxidation is, the lower the content of will be present.

Green tea without caffeine

For medicinal purposes, green tea is sometimes made caffeine free. Green tea that is decaffeinated has a more pleasant taste and has an impressive antioxidant activity. It is very effective in the prevention and even treatment of cancer, decreasing cholesterol levels, collagen formation, decreasing triglyceride levels and preventing arteriosclerosis.

Therefore, with caffeine present in green tea, it can decrease the metabolic processes going significantly inside our body but not having any effect on blood pressure and heart rate.

Caffeine content

Compared to the caffeine found in black tea, green tea is only composed by the half of it. And compared to coffee, green tea only has quarter amounts thus, making it the perfect beverage you can include in your meals. But there are precautions that should be followed. One which is the moderate amount of green tea that should be consumed within a day. It should only be at least 4 cups. More than that will generate negative reactions that is felt inside the body.

The introduction of decaffeinated supplementary green tea, benefits were further provided ruling out any unwanted effects.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Jul 10, 2008

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

According to legends, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor about 5,000 years ago. This Chinese emperor was boiling water to the belief that it can become more potable and safer to drink. When suddenly a large gust of wind took over and blew the leaves into the water that’s boiling. By the combination of water and leaves, a brown mixture was fashioned. Reluctantly, the emperor discovered the mixture making a very fragrant aroma. The moment he tasted it, he described it to be agreeable. From that moment on, green tea was born.

No matter how accurate this legend is, what’s important is that green tea have become one of the most popular drink in China. Drinking green tea made several discoveries regarding health benefits. Aside from green tea becoming an antioxidant, it is also claimed that it can help with cancer prevention, heart protection, arthritis prevention and liver protection.

Cancer prevention

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases man has ever known. It has killed a lot of lives in many forms and is continuously killing more. With the discovery of green tea being able to help in cancer prevention and treatment, a lot of studies are trying to support every claim. It is said that through drinking , cancer has shown significant evidences of diminishing cancer cell results. Preliminary investigations have proven that green tea can prevent the growth of cancer cells in organs like the digestive system, urinary bladder and the pancreas.

Heart Protection

Antioxidants in green tea are one of the main reasons why people are being enticed by it. By reducing incidences of increased cholesterol level in out body, it therefore reduces the body to experience hypertension and cardiac diseases. Studies also show that can help minimize thrombosis formation which is also an associated factor to heart disease. When thrombosis goes into blood circulation, there will come a time when the thrombus will block the way of the blood that is supposed to go to the heart and this will compromise the heart with blood supply. Preventing thrombus formation is one very important effect of green tea.

Arthritis Prevention

Some say it’s impossible for green tea to affect bone diseases but the tea have proved them wrong because reports have it that green tea can prevent arthritis. Not only can green tea prevent arthritis from occurring but also eliminate the painful symptoms being contributed by the problem too. According to research, green tea has a component that has the ability to reduce inflammation. Research also suggests that antioxidants have the capacity to delay any arthritic process that might occur and minimizing irritable symptoms as well.

Liver Protection

Because liver is another agent responsible for metabolism, it is greatly affected by green tea. There is strong correlation of bonds between liver function and antioxidants. When the liver does it job, it filters the body from toxins and washes it away through excretion.

Toxins are referred to harmful substances that we gather through daily living like digested food, breathed air, consumed water, alcohol intake and even remnants of cigarette smoking. What green tea provides the body is stimulating and strengthening the immune system making the liver more capable of filtering every single substance that can be dangerous to the body.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Jun 1, 2008

Green Tea - Is Green Tea Good For You?

The studies are in - is officially good for you. It has many health benefits, especially if you drink five or more cups a day. Green tea seems to provide excellent benefits for your heart and cardiovascular system, your brain, and for weight control.

Many other claims have been made for the health benefits of green tea too, specifically as a protector against cancer.

Green Tea And Cancer - Is Green Tea Protective Against Cancer?

It's tempting to believe that can act as a protector against cancer, however the studies are mixed. While green tea does indeed have activity against cancer cells in the laboratory, much more research needs to be done. However, the antioxidants in green tea are very good for you, and are a good reason for switching to green tea from another beverage.

While researchers are still studying the benefits of green tea as a cancer preventative, they're much more certain of the effects of green tea on your weight.

Green Tea And Weight Control - Can You Lose Weight With Green Tea?

Being overweight is dangerous to your health. One of green tea's benefits is that it acts as an appetite suppressant, so if you're losing weight, green tea will make the process much more comfortable, because you won't be as hungry. You'll feel better while you're dieting because green tea contains catechins which increase the levels of the metabolism-boosting brain chemical norepinephrine.

Are There Any Dangers In Drinking Green Tea?

Green tea's been a popular beverage in Asia for thousands of years, and there are no dangers in drinking it. However, don't drink too much green tea in the late afternoon and evening, because the caffeine in green tea will keep you awake.

Green tea has many benefits, and if you're considering adding it to your diet, rest assured that green tea is very good for you.

Green tea's many benefits to your health and well-being are amazing - drink a few cups a day, and not only will you lose weight, but you'll also enjoy protection from life-threatening illnesses. Discover more about green tea at Drink Green Tea Daily site at and the site's blog, at for green tea news and information. Get weight loss tips at 30 Day Slimmer at

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health benefits of green tea

May 5, 2008

Green Tea Facts (Health Benefit of Green Tea)

Except for water is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Green tea is a staple in the diets of many Asian families around the world and Green tea is a part of Japanese and Chinese cultures. Green tea is the most popular tea in China, and while there are many varieties, green teas are favored because of their fresh and subtle taste. One difference between Japanese and Chinese tea is that Japanese green tea is often steam-dried rather than oven-dried. The green tea is grown in an area near the border of the Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. The best Japanese green tea is said to be that from the Uji region of Kyoto. Green tea is dried, but not fermented.

Scientific studies show that is good for you. Two studies in China, where green tea is a mainstay of the diet, resulted in promising findings. The only negative side effect reported from drinking green tea is insomnia because it contains caffeine. Green tea is known for its high content of vitamins and minerals. Green tea is a natural antioxidant and is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, or tea plant. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and is reputed to contain the highest concentration of polyphenols, chemicals that act as powerful antioxidants. Theamine in green tea is touted for its tranquilizing effect on the brain, and makes green tea a better choice than the coffee bean. A study, began in 1994, included 40,530 adults (age 40 to 79 years) in northeastern Japan, where green tea is widely consumed.

The study confirmed Green tea is good for weight loss and is great for your skin. Low in caffeine, high in antioxidants and vitamin C, green tea is unfermented. Green Tea is high in polyphenols with potent antioxidant and anti-cancer support properties. With tastes that are light and refreshing, green tea is the perfect addition to any diet. Although you can buy green tea that has been packaged in tea bags, green tea is best when it is brewed from the whole leaf.

If you want to read more about green tea diets, visit Danny Brown's site at

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Health Benefit of Green Tea

Apr 2, 2008

The Healing Properties of Green Tea

The healing properties of have put it in the forefront of today's wellness news.

Known for its versatile and positive properties benefiting the whole body, it promotes blood circulation and increases the body's natural resistance, helping with oxygenation.

Proponents of claims it achieves greater harmony and improves the body's ability to handle the external physical and psychological pressures of life.

Green tea also prevents tooth decay and make teeth more resistant to acids, promote digestion and cleanse the body internally.

Unlike black tea, which oxidizes as it dries, changing the characteristics of the tea, green tea is flash-steamed for about 20 seconds to retain the maximum amount of active properties.

Green tea contains vitamin B, as well as C and E. Many tea drinkers say that they actually feel less tired and brightens their whole outlook.

Mina Dimakis-Lev is an skincare specialist and professional makeup artist for the past 13 years. Her expertise in sincare and makeup followed by writing articles on how to take care of your skin, body,and applying makeup like an expert.

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Health Benefit Of Green Tea

Mar 4, 2008

10 Very Good Health Benefit That Green Tea Gives You

Health Benefit of Green Tea

Drinking green tea has become more and more popular around the world. Originated from Asia, people have been drinking it for centuries due to the many benefits it contains. The health benefit green tea can provide you are plenty. It offers at least ten . Let us now look at why drinking green tea is so good for you.

One health benefit green tea offers is the ability to lower the cholesterol in your body. How can that happen? It is possible because green tea has a very high concentration of antioxidants. Green Tea will help your body to increase your liver's LDL receptors. This can then help reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby lowering your total cholesterol levels. Consuming as few as five cups of green tea per day could lead to lower cholesterol in your body.

Green tea has also been known to cause remission in cancer patients. Green tea is able to inhibit the enzyme that can cause cancer cells spread throughout the body. It can also decrease tumor sizes and prevent further tumor formation. Green tea can also prevent cancer. As it contains the compound EGCG, the tea prevents cancer cells from growing when the compound binds with the enzyme also found in the body.

Another green tea provides is that it is able to ease the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. The antioxidants in the tea have the effect to ease swelling, which in turn, helps ease the pain associated with arthritis.

Green tea can also prevent heart disease. The tea can not only help lower cholesterol, as previously mentioned, but it can also help break down the plaque on the artery walls. This allows better blood flow, and thus, prevents heart disease.

Another health benefit green tea gives you is its ability to cure infections. The antioxidants in the tea have the ability to kill the disease causing organisms.

Green tea can also assist with impaired immune function. Polyphones and antioxidants exist in green tea. These substances help with the stimulation of your immune system. This can help to make you stronger and gives your body more ability to fight infection.

can treat acne. Because green tea has natural antioxidants and antibacterial properties, it is just as good as acne medications. Moreover, it helps reduce toxins and swelling. It also reduces some of the hormone levels that are known to cause acne. For acne problems, it can either be ingested or administered directly on the skin in the form of a cream.

Green tea can prevent cavities. As green tea can destroy bacteria and viruses, it inhibits the growth of cavities, which are primarily caused by these things. In the future, you may see it in toothpastes and mouthwash products.

One final health benefit of is that it can promote longevity. The polyphones in green tea help to fight against free radicals. This means fewer wrinkles and longer life.

Green tea has many health benefits if properly used. So do try it out now to feel and experience the many health benefit green tea has for you.

Looking for more info on green tea? Do you want to know more about health benefits of green tea? Click for more info on Health Benefit Green Tea now or go to

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for where he provides you articles, info, and news on tea and tea related info.

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health benefit of green tea

Feb 28, 2008

Health Benefit Of Drinking Green Tea

Health Benefit Of Green Tea

Ongoing health headlines continuously support the health benefit of drinking . Although health examiners do not agree on every aspect of the advantages of putting green tea in your diet, it is steadily gaining ground over coffee.

Facts about Green Tea

So just what comprises the acclaimed of drinking green tea?

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, the disease-fighting compounds that help your body fight off illness. This is evident in tea-drinking populations, like Japan and China. The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times. Consequently, they have much less heart disease. Certain cancers prevalent in the Western world are nonexistent with Asian people that have made drinking green tea an everyday part of their life.

The phenomenal health benefit of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant. Besides restricting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering bad cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots which is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

But I need my caffeine fix ...

If you are reluctant to give up your morning caffeine jolt, green tea is a wonderful alternative to morning coffee. Just one cup can contain anywhere from 15 to 75 milligrams of caffeine which provide a gentle and steady source of motivation. It is unlikely you will suffer from common caffeine side effects, such as jitters or headaches that are associated with drinking coffee.

Cheers to the Health Benefit of Drinking Green Tea

Just drinking two cups or more a day decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and lowers bad cholesterol. If you want to do something good for yourself, drink . There is no reason not to. It has no calories, it is packed full of antioxidants, that of which you can't get by drinking water. If you're a water-drinker, I'm not suggesting you give it up, just substitute green tea with part of your water intake.

And if health reasons are not enough to get you to drink green tea, consider this. How many times have you been physically close to a perpetual coffee-drinker and nearly been knocked over by their coffee breath? Not a pleasant thought! If you must be around this person, or if you're the one with dragon breath, it is of benefit to know that green tea also contains bacteria-killing properties which help control bad breath and the formation of plaque. Just a thought!

There are several varieties of green tea to choose from, each offering its own unique flavor. So bottom's up! Here's to an undeniable, ever growing of drinking green tea.

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Health Benefit Of Green Tea