Ongoing health headlines continuously support the health benefit of drinking green tea. Although health examiners do not agree on every aspect of the advantages of putting green tea in your diet, it is steadily gaining ground over coffee.
Facts about Green Tea
So just what comprises the acclaimed health benefit of drinking green tea?
Green tea is packed with antioxidants, the disease-fighting compounds that help your body fight off illness. This is evident in tea-drinking populations, like Japan and China. The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times. Consequently, they have much less heart disease. Certain cancers prevalent in the Western world are nonexistent with Asian people that have made drinking green tea an everyday part of their life.
The phenomenal health benefit of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant. Besides restricting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering bad cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots which is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
But I need my caffeine fix ...
If you are reluctant to give up your morning caffeine jolt, green tea is a wonderful alternative to morning coffee. Just one cup can contain anywhere from 15 to 75 milligrams of caffeine which provide a gentle and steady source of motivation. It is unlikely you will suffer from common caffeine side effects, such as jitters or headaches that are associated with drinking coffee.
Cheers to the Health Benefit of Drinking Green Tea
Just drinking two cups or more a day decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and lowers bad cholesterol. If you want to do something good for yourself, drink green tea. There is no reason not to. It has no calories, it is packed full of antioxidants, that of which you can't get by drinking water. If you're a water-drinker, I'm not suggesting you give it up, just substitute green tea with part of your water intake.
And if health reasons are not enough to get you to drink green tea, consider this. How many times have you been physically close to a perpetual coffee-drinker and nearly been knocked over by their coffee breath? Not a pleasant thought! If you must be around this person, or if you're the one with dragon breath, it is of benefit to know that green tea also contains bacteria-killing properties which help control bad breath and the formation of plaque. Just a thought!
There are several varieties of green tea to choose from, each offering its own unique flavor. So bottom's up! Here's to an undeniable, ever growing health benefit of drinking green tea.
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Health Benefit Of Green Tea